©Marie Maquaire

This is How Don Quixote Decided to Save the World

Two pieces for chivalrous women

First Production 2023 // Act 1 // Piece for eight performers in the public arena

First Production 2024 // Act 2 // Piece for twelve performers on stage

What did these future chivalrous women look like?

A Female Don Quixote

With the prospect of calling into question our founding characters and myths, our inherited culture and patrimony handed down almost exclusively by male authors, the aim is to reassess Cervantes’s popular and wildly humanist character in a contemporary context, in the form of a variety of chivalrous women in the singular and the plural. The figures of Don(s) Quixote(s) are sources of inspiration leading towards free-form interpretive writing, boasting a jubilation of bodies, contagious joy, fantasy and liberty.

1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 +1… = 1, two pieces between individuals and sisterhood

Following on from the solitary figure of a Lilith (There Lilith Relaxes… – a 2018 production) and the utopia of a female community (AMAZONES, a 2021 production), This is How Don Quixote Decided to Save the World is based on experimental creative processes, continually going to and fro between periods of group work and individual research, striving for a potential conciliation between strong singularities and close sisterhood.

In this production, the choreographic writing is treated as a ritual of individual and group healing; a reprogramming process, inviting the audience to join the movement.

Act 1

Act 1 is for the public arena and non-dedicated venues and fulfils performative choreography. It intends to be reactivated in a tailored way at each performance in synergy with the programming organisation. Its basic outline is built from routines, scores, modules and expressive methods, making it possible for it to be considered in various formats and durations, ranging from a “classic show” format to a performance duration of several hours, reflecting an artivist sit-in.

Act 2

Drawing on the huge repertoire of materials brought into play, Act 2 sets forth stage and frontal choreography comprised of motifs which become entangled, spread out, alternate with each other, become lost and find each other; gestures which feed off and reflect one another, with the aim of symbolically relating a political advice session.

©Marie Maquaire

This is How Don Quixote Decided to Save the World

Production Cast

Choreographer: Marinette Dozeville

Performers: Dominique Le Marrec, Flozif, Justine Agator, Lora Cabourg, Paola Daniele, Sijia Chen,  Marie Vivier

Live music: Fanny Lasfargues

Artistic Associate: Rachele Borghi

Lighting Designers: Louise Rustan and Agathe Geffroy

Production (in progress)

Yapluka – The Marinette Dozeville Company


Tridanse (3bisf – Centre of Contemporary Art of National Interest in Aix-en-Provence, Le Citron Jaune – CNAREP – in Port St. Louis du Rhône, Vélo Théâtre – a subsidised venue for object theatre and the crossroads of arts and sciences in Apt); Théâtre de Lorient – CDN; Charleroi Danse – Wallonia-Brussels Choreographic Centre; MAIF Social Club – Paris.

Financial Backing

Aid for the creation of street arts – Ministry of Culture, DRAC Grand Est (Regional Office of Cultural Affairs).

Performances 2023-24
