This is a piece for seven performers, freely inspired by the book Les Guérillères by Monique Wittig.
They assert triumphantly that every movement is an upheaval.
This is a piece for seven performers, freely inspired by the book Les Guérillères by Monique Wittig. They assert triumphantly that every movement is an upheaval.
As a continuation of its research and feminist choreographic exploration, with AMAZONS the company asserts the transition from singular to plural, from solitude to the group, from the untamed figure to the pack, the horde. Drawing on the experience of producing Là, se délasse Lilith… Manifestation d’un corps libertaire (a 2018 production), the Company is now turning towards a symbolic, plural figure through the Amazons.
The Amazons are a legendary, romanticised tribe, which faded away and was reclaimed, as was the case in its own way with the character of Lilith. They also represent a symbol of freedom which is embraced and displayed, requiring the radical independence of a female group. This kind of independence, which was intolerable and unthinkable for a societal model rooted in a patriarchal system of beliefs, morality and actions, earned them as much mockery as admiration, as can various modern feminist initiatives today.
AMAZONS – An Ode to Nonchalance
Written like a long poetic, almost psalmodic, litany, the power of Les Guérillères by Monique Wittig lies in the fact that it is a true feminist essay with the air of a bewitching canticle. Its political claims and assertions take shape and come to life through an epic text, enabling fully embodied writing which is extremely sensual and sensory.
Along these lines, the choreography of AMAZONS wishes to be described as a libertarian banner in the form of evocative writing, reconciling the violence of battle with the contentment of utopia. Here, one will find the viciousness and irreverence of a Lilith, mingled with the joyful nonchalance made possible by the group. We shall go from the brutality of Lilithian solitude to the determined tranquillity of the pack, which can allow itself to combine militancy with tenderness, and thus go from provocation to nonchalance.
© Marie Maquaire
Production Cast
Choreographer: Marinette Dozeville
Performers: Elise Ludinard, Florence Gengoul, Frida Ocampo, Delphine Mothes, Lucille Mansas, Dominique Le Marrec, Louise Breuil
Music: Dope St Jude
Voice: Lucie Boscher
Text: Luvan
Artistic Adviser: Julie Nioche
Dramatist: Rachele Borghi
Visual Assessment: Frédéric Xavier Liver
Lighting Designers: Louise Rustan and Agathe Geffroy
The Compagnie Marinette Dozeville has a three-year agreement with the Région Grand Est. It is supported by the Drac Grand Est – Ministry of Culture, the Conseil Départemental de la Marne, the City of Reims, the Laboratoire Chorégraphique de Reims, Le Nouveau Relax de Chaumont.
Confirmed partners: Le Manège, Scène nationale – Reims ; micadanses – Paris ; Centre Chorégraphique National Roubaix Hauts-de-France – direction Sylvain Groud ; La Garance, Scène Nationale – Cavaillon ; Cartonnerie – SMAC, Reims ; Kunstencentrum BUDA Kortrijk ; La Pratique, Atelier de fabrication artistique, Vatan – Région Centre-Val de Loire ; Le Laboratoire chorégraphique – Reims, Spedidam.
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